So this morning I got under the car to try and find the clunk I have had since the coilovers went in. I started with what I suspected, sway bar end links, but they were good. I then started pulling wheels off and began checking all the bolts etc. I found that the springs seemed a little loose so I measured for pre-load again. I'm not sure if the springs settled a little bit or what but they needed to be tightened a bit. I had trouble getting a good measurement with them on the car but I think that they are good now. Once I was done checking all four corners I took the car for a quick spin. I was still getting the noise over the sharper bumps so I then pulled the rear seat and checked the top nuts and top hat plate nuts to make sure everything was tight. I am beginning to think that maybe it is just the noise that coilovers sometimes make (especially on the bad bumps).
While I was at it I decided, since my DD tires are only 225's, that the front could look more aggressive/better with some spacers!
*Edit*: I wonder if I will be able to run my V710's with these spacers without any rubbing...
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