Tuesday, August 16, 2011

NER Autocross 08/14/11 Devens

We had another great autox this past Sunday. I really enjoyed the course. It had many fast sections that allowed me to really put some of the new found power down as well as having a few tight spots that made things interesting. Unfortunately it was a very grey day out and it was difficult to get heat into the tires and by the afternoon runs it started sprinkling out making things a bit slippery. Sandi enjoyed the day and did well also, beating out around 14+/- other novice drivers with a time of 73.xx. Her biggest hold up is being nervous of the power/handling of the car, especially after a spin on her first run. I keep assuring her that she is doing well for someone so new to everything about this sport. There were 2 other novices at this event that didn't even complete a single run (out of 5) without DNFing and another that was beat by a 5yr old girl in a go kart! I am very happy with my times even though my best was still only good enough for dead last. That said, I did the math and I was only .067 sec behind 4th place and if I could have found 3/10ths of a second (or got my 4th run cleaned up) I would have had 3rd. 2nd and 1st places were 1.2 and 1.65 seconds up from me as well. Not bad, if I do say so myself, considering the stock suspension and terrible tires that I always blame. Hopefully I can do something about both of those soon. Results and videos are below, pictures to come once they get posted by the photographer, Ed Savage.

My fastest clean run:

My fastest raw time (would have been good enough for 3rd if I didn't cone):

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